NBSC Balgowlah Boys Campus

The Boys Campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 4200





 There are various mentoring opportunities available.

  • Project Penguin (Year 9)
  • DMI (Year 9)
  • Peer tutoring ( Year 10)
  • Peer support leader (Year 10)

Project Penguin

In Year 10, students have the opportunity to participate in Project Penguin - where 60 Balgowlah Boys students mentor primary school students from across the Northern Beaches in a Conservation Education Program and become youth ambassadors for the locally threatened little penguins. Over 1000 students from over 10 schools undertake a range of activities aimed to increase their knowledge of the little penguins, threats to the colony and positive actions that they and the public can take to protect the species. Students start their own community education program by getting their conservation messages out to the public. Run in conjunction with Taronga Zoo, an EXPO of the student's work is portrayed at the zoo as well as various community locations within the Northern Beaches area.


Design Make Innovate

The Design, Make, Innovate Project is a mentoring project run in conjunction with Mackellar Girls High and the local partner Primary Schools Curl Curl North, Brookvale and Manly Village. 


The benefit of this project is to give students a greater understanding of the design process which is a key concept in all TAS subjects. The boys will showcase their skills and knowledge in the area of technology, design, leadership and collaborative learning.


Other skills developed during the course of the project include,

  • Mentoring a small group of Year 6 primary school students.
  • Help their group to develop and produce their "Marvellous Toy Project".
  • Assist their group with the production of a folio and evaluation of their product.

Peer Support

During term 4 each year a select group of Year 9 students are trained as mentors. The role involves an understanding of empathy towards fellow students while being able to boost the resilience of the new Year 7 cohort.  From the boys trained a small group is chosen to become the new Year 10 Peer Support Mentors.

The peer support program gets into full swing at Bally during Term 1. Year 7 are split into groups of 10 to 12 and work with the mentors by engaging in activities to promote a happy transition into high school.  The mentors run a different group of activities every week for 1 period raising awareness of potential issues that can arise when attending a new school with a new peer group. The program has been a great success with positive feedback from students and mentors alike. 

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