Balgowlah Boys has developed a whole school integrated approach to welfare across Years 7 – 12.
These programs are aimed at sequentially building and developing key skills, knowledge and understanding as the boys progress through high school.
Camps and outdoor recreational activities, guest speakers, seminars, workshops and drama performances cover areas and topics targeted to particular year groups and are coordinated by the Wellbeing Team. Areas cover the development of self-esteem, resilience and tolerance, messages about anti-bullying and drug danger, how to develop good study skills, coping with stress, and ways to positively resolve conflict.
The overarching focus is on encouraging self-belief, self-direction and self-responsibility in preparation for life beyond school.
The Learning Support and Wellbeing Team:
The Learning Support and Wellbeing Team works collaboratively to support the wellbeing and/or learning of our Students.
Vanessa Briggs - Head Teacher Wellbeing
Ian May - Head Teacher Learning Support
Isabella Purnell - School Psychologist
Georgia Braude - School Psychologist
Kylie Walker - School Psychologist
Sara Lewis - Student Support Officer (SSO)
Isaac Buckley - Careers Advisor
Parents/Carers can refer students to the Learning Support and Wellbeing Team: https://forms.office.com/r/1A3gpXyTLt

Learning Support
The Learning Support Team at Balgowlah Boys is a collaboration between Support Teachers and General Classroom Teachers to ensure the individual learning needs for every student are being met. The team creates opportunities for feedback, forward planning and discussion of differentiating programs. Ultimately the team exists to offer and support the best possible teaching to students with learning difficulties.
Balgowlah Boys Campus School Counselling Service
The Balgowlah Boys Campus School Counselling Service is a confidential, free service available to all students.
The School Counselling Service operates during school hours, term-time only.
Students are encouraged to self-refer to the School Counsellors by:
- Coming by the office (on level 2 in G-Block near G201) and knocking on the door
- Contacting the counsellors via the ‘Counsellor and Wellbeing’ CANVAS page.
- Filling out a self-referral slip and popping it in the mailbox outside the counselling office
- Asking their year advisor or a trusted teacher to assist them with contacting the school counsellor
The School Counsellors will contact student’s via CANVAS to arrange appointments.
The Balgowlah Boys Campus School Counselling Service is not a crisis service. In an emergency, please contact Emergency Services on Triple Zero (000) or visit the Accident and Emergency Department at your local hospital
For psychological support outside of school hours please contact:
1. Lifeline (24/7) on 13 11 14
2. The Northern Beaches Child Youth Mental Health Service on (02) 9388 5150
3. Mental Health Line (24/7) on 1800 011 511 4. Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 or visit: https://kidshelpline.com.au/
5. Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 6. Beyond Blue on 1300 22 46 36 or visit: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/
7. eHeadspace on 1800 650 890 or visit: https://headspace.org.au/
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