NBSC Balgowlah Boys Campus

The Boys Campus of the Northern Beaches Secondary College

Telephone02 9949 4200


Subject Information

Year 8 into 9 Subject selection information
At the end of this year students in Year 8 will have finished Stage 4 of their education, which
is often regarded as having completed an introduction to high school. During Years 7 and 8,
all students study the same subjects, the only choice available being the language option
studied in Year 8. The courses students follow at Balgowlah Boys are very similar to those
followed by students at other high schools.
Students have the opportunity to make decisions, in consultation with parents and staff,
about which subjects they will study in Years 9 and 10. All students must study English,
Mathematics, Science, History, Geography and PDHPE as Core subjects. Students will then
need to select two elective subjects, which will be studied for the next two years and be
presented for the Record of School Achievement (ROSA).